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How to Excel Physics Section in JEE (Advanced) 2021

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How to Excel Physics Section in JEE (Advanced) 2021

Publihsed By:Ramesh Chahal
Publish Date:May 30, 2021

Many students believe the Physics part of the JEE (Advanced) to be the most difficult. For many pupils, the Physics part is a difficult nut to crack and comparatively challenging. As a result, students must put in extra effort and work harder in order to thrive in this class. They must build strong conceptual knowledge, master the theoretical foundation, and know how to apply concepts.


<!-- [if !supportLists]-->§  <!--[endif]-->JEE (Advanced) 2020 will consist of two question papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2 of three hours duration each. Both papers are compulsory.

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->§  <!--[endif]-->Each question paper will consist of three separate sections, viz., Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->§  <!--[endif]-->The question papers will consist of objective type (multiple choice and/or numerical answer type) questions designed to test comprehension, reasoning, and analytical ability of candidates.

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->§  <!--[endif]-->The physics section in JEE (Advanced) 2021 will consist of approximately 20 objective type questions

As the organizing committee of JEE Advanced 2021 postponed the exam due to a surge in COVID 19 cases. Students have enough time to get prepare for the JEE Advanced 2021.

Here are some tips to get prepare for JEE (Advanced) Physics 2021

1. It is critical to maintaining sleeping patterns in order for the body and mind to function properly. While a lack of sleep can lead to poor focus, a good night's sleep can help you study more effectively and retain what you've learned. As a result, it is recommended that you sleep for at least 7 hours a day, ideally at night. Furthermore, having a 15-20 minute nap in the afternoon will help you re-energize and stay active.

2. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body, thus, exercise and consuming the right foods will help you take care of your body and mind. Make time for yoga, mild exercises, or a quick walk. Along with that, consume a diet high in protein and green leafy vegetables. Do not miss meals or eat unhealthy foods.

3. Solve past years, sample papers, and mock exam papers as you can. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll become. Apart from that, pay attention to the questions you are not able to solve. Take the help from your mentors and understand the concepts and how to apply them to the topic. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn and improve your skills.

Refer to the VPLUSU study material based on the IIT JEE Physics syllabus. Carefully go through the Physics practice papers and solve all its questions. Also, pay attention to the solved questions, as they may show you how to tackle identical problems in a different way.

4. Qualifying in the JEE Advanced examination needs thorough preparation. Keep revising the old chapters and concepts with time otherwise, it will fade off. You can also use the VPLUSU JEE Physics Notes to revise the topics.

5. Review your performance of the mock test the same day you appeared for it. Make an effort to figure out what went wrong. Examine the correct response and practice other questions of a similar kind. If you're having trouble understanding something, get assistance from VPLUSU teachers and improve yourself.

So these are some of the tips to prepare for the Physics of JEE Advanced 2021 exam.

